BOVA University Network annual meeting in Kaunas

In January, the BOVA University Network met in Kaunas, at the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy for an annual meeting to discuss the activities of the past year and look to the future and approve intensive courses for 2025.
2024 was a very successful year for the network: we organised 8 courses that attracted altogether more than 200 participants. We are truly grateful to all our incredible colleagues at all 4 BOVA universities for hosting these courses and providing our students with such great mobility opportunities. For 2025, 12 courses were approved and funded and we look forward to seeing how this year will go. You can check the list of courses here.
During the meeting, we also approved the BOVA strategy for 2025-2029 and the team is excited to see the network develop while maintaining the already ongoing collaboration. You can access the strategy here.
This time, the Board, Coordinators and Coordinating Committee were also joined by deans of faculties of the four universities which was a great opportunity for colleagues from different fields to connect with peers.
In 2026, BOVA will celebrate its 30th anniversary and during the meeting, it was decided that the celebration will take place in Tartu, at the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Thank you to our colleagues in Lithuania for hosting us so warmly.
Next year, we will meet in Kaunas again, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Veterinary Academy will organise the annual meeting then.